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YFS 11/11/2014 Commission Meeting
Old Saybrook Youth & Family Services
Commission Meeting - Tuesday, November 11, 2014; 5:15 P.M.
O.S. Youth & Family Offices, 322 Main Street, Old Saybrook, CT 06475

I. Roll Call:   
Attendant Members:
Samuel B. Barnes, Chairman
Jennifer R. Welsh, Vice Chair
Catherine Kane, School System
Janet Temple, PHNB Rep.
Megan Barnes, Students
Kiki Filindarakis, Students
Absent: Jona Paradis, Secretary; Peggy Viggiano, Member-at-Large, Dorothy Shearer, Member-At-Large, Dylan Lyons, Students, William Burton, Students
Also present: Heather McNeil, Director and Sharon Tiezzi, Recording Clerk
II. Call to Order:
Chairman Samuel B. Barnes called the meeting to order at 5:17 P.M.
Pledge to Allegiance
III. Comments from the Public
No public in attendance

IV. Approval of Minutes
There were no official minutes taken for the June meeting due to the absence/illness of the Recording Clerk, and nothing was voted on, so there are no minutes for posting for the June & September meetings.
A motion was made and seconded for the approval of the October 7, 2014. Motion carried.
V. Chairman’s Comments
Chair Sam Barnes had nothing new to report.
VI. Director’s Report

Director Heather presented the Commission with her report as follows:
The Holiday Giving Program she explained to the two new students.  Last year 183 families received gifts for 300 children.  Member Catherine Kane will coordinate with Wendy at Youth & Family about the Middle School adopting a family.  Social Services Help Day was a great success. Sue Consoli is working on getting a food truck in the area for the holidays as the Food Bank will be closed for two weeks. SEARCH Survey results were presented to the schools at the Professional Development Day 11/3/2014 and as reported by Catherine Kane the presenter Tim Duffey did a great job.  Reporting the results at the Professional Development Day was really good. Director Heather will try to remember to bring the results to the December meeting.
Youth Action Council held a Bingo/Pasta Dinner night at the High School which was a great program and a great time by all attended.  The Mystic Halloween Tour was reported on by Megan and Kiki. There were several haunted stories heard and the students learned how to capture ghosts in pictures.  Upcoming events: include the Main Street Stroll Dec. 5; Give the Police the Bird will be held at Stop & Shop again on the weekend before Thanksgiving; The Torchlight Parade is Dec. 13;  Sticker Shock will take place Monday the 17th ; Toy Drive will be Dec. 16th with pick on the 17th, 18th, and 19th.
VII. Old Business
VIII. New Business
IX. Other Business
Next meeting December 2, 2014 at 5:15 at the Pavilion.
X. Adjournment
Motion made to adjourn at 6:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously

Respectfully submitted,  Sharon Tiezzi, Recording Clerk